Adult Outpatient Therapy Services

Phone: 918.421.6800

We want everyone to feel at home at our clinic. Our evaluating therapists at outpatient have a combined 80+ years of experience. We work together as a team with our patients to ensure full recovery and to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to the usual services provided by each discipline our

  • OT includes services performed by a certified hand therapist
  • PT includes vestibular work, video gait and running analysis, kinesiotaping, ASTYM and dry needling
  • ST includes vital-stim facial and swallowing muscle reeducation
  • Sports injuries
  • Workers Comp: acute injured worker, rehabilitation, work conditioning
  • Vestibular rehabilitation, vertigo, balance
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Arthritis and joint replacement
  • Tendonitis, bursitis, tendon repair
  • Hand injuries
  • Generalized weakness
  • Neurological rehab including stroke, multiple sclerosis
  • Back pain

Need a ride? Below are some options for transportation.



1400 E. Van Buren
McAlester, OK 74501
