Entrances & Parking


Whether you are a patient or visitor, parking is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at no charge. During regular visiting hours, please use the parking lot south of the Main Entrance. When parking after regular hours, please use the parking lot northeast of the Emergency Entrance.

Patients and visitors are cautioned not to park in reserved areas or certain designated areas. Please be sure to lock your vehicle. Should you need assistance with your vehicle, please call Security at 918.426.1800.


The three primary entrances to the hospital are the Main Entrance, Admitting Entrance and the Emergency Entrance.

Main Entrance (5 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.)

  • Patient visitation
  • Gift shop
  • Cafeteria

Admitting Entrance (open 24 hours)

  • Admissions
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Outpatient surgery

Emergency Entrance (open 24 hours)

  • After-hours entrance
  • After-hours admissions
  • Emergency Department